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A full-size replica of timber-frame carpentry— used as to display the tools that went into its construction. We did a similar reconstruction of balloon-frame architecture (invented in Chicago).

The displays consist of a central glassed-in structure for larger objects. The structure supports a reading rail containing smaller items, graphics, simple interactives and ephemera.

Above is an overall view of Work. The inset is a detail of the reading rail

Encounter on the Prairie


McClean Historical Society


Bloomington, Illinois

The exhibit is divided into four topic areas central to life in McLean County: People, Work, Farming and Politics.

Each topic area occupies a room in the renovated Beaux-Artes County Courthouse.
The County Courthouse was designated as an Historical Structure, and no modifications of the building —except for essential accommodations or life-safety—were permitted
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Typical display from People section

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